Friday, August 26, 2011

YO YO YO McFizzle Nizzle Fo Shizzle Wizzle Green Eggs and HAM!!!!

Hey, I'm back! Well, not back in my home town, but back n the city! imma go MEHS tomorrow!!! so awesome! im doing goot n all!!!!!! but sad at the sAME time! im at me house in anc, got here yesterday.shout out to me homies back thurr in awesome mcawesome town. LOVE YA big bra(bro) love you whoever reaads this! miss yalls too!!! i should get namoimad with improper grammar. what did you do tomorrow? what will you do yesterday? ysterday im ggoing to MEHS, tomorrow i just got here. hahahah that gets me whatevered by whatevering like that. i shouldnt whatever like that whatever anymore. supercalifragileisticexpialidocous!!!!!!!!!


  1. I miss you! your still blogging even tho your way over there! thats kewl!

  2. I MISS U!! :'( What did u do tomorrow?((:

  3. Oh Brittany, you need to watch your verb tenses. It makes me so tense when my students struggle with that. LOL I hope you are having fun and doing well at MEHS. You haven't posted since you left so you must be busy and having a great time. I just gave your blog address to your classmates... they should be writing soon.
